I have been searching for MONTHS now for something I an make for my guestbook for both my bridal shower and wedding ceremony. I want something personal, something I can look back at and smile, something worth keeping (I hate buying tacky junk for one time use...) I wanted somethng that I could share with my friends when I help them plan their wedding one day but also with my kids so they can know that at some point in time their mom's favorite color was a shade of pink and their dad was a stud...after much frustration from searching around town, stalking other blogs, and not wanting to spend more than my carpayment...here's what I've come up with for the shower:

I cannot wait till Sunday! Family, soon-to-be-family, and friends from across the state will be coming and spending a little quality tea time with a soon-to-be-bride. It's amazing how much I can do while sitting in a hotel room shoveling carrots in my face...This weekend's to-do list include: taste testing, meetings, my close friend from grad school's wedding, make thank-you bookmark before Sunday while finishing these projects:

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