So my friend Meghann and I have basically hit up every coffee place there is in the area...from Lebanon, to Belleville, to St. Louis. I think we need a new hobby...and a few extra bucks to pay for our expensive taste in coffee! Meghann is awesome: she went to school in Oklahoma (although she bleeds orange...not BoomerSooner RED), we both suffered through times of having a degree (or two) yet working at a retail job while waiting for someone in the real world to scoop us up and claim a "career," she loves Jesus, we have a lot of unspoken pet peeves and things that excite us...which leads to a lot of laughs when we actually get to hang out=) Today tops it all...a photoshoot and heart is sold! Check out a few of my favorites of her and her brother Tyler (btw, his graduation is only days away, go Tyler!) And in the midst of it all...while at Park Ave. Coffee I learned a little thing or two about wedding albums and met a new friend while at my little coffee shop...where I will have my bridal shots taken here soon;)

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