So a few weeks ago we helped out with First Baptist Church of O'Fallon's Underground youth retreat at Lake Sallateeska. The leaves were just starting to change colors, there was a slight chill all was beautiful! Aubrey Spears was the guest speaker as he walked us through Great Love. Aubrey and leaders took the youth through Proverbs 7 and the warnings, dangers, and consequences of sex before marriage...but more than that. We were able to discuss with students various ways to truly avoid temptations in the reality of high school. I loved sharing stories with my girls about the lies I believed growing particular had our room laughing prettttty hard the first night. (I still blame Andi Jaeger for distracting me in health class in 10th grade....) I not only hope the youth had as much fun as I did, but I hope they took home the heart of the Message as well. From the begining the 9th grade girls had the most intense game of keep-away I'd ever seen...the guys were, well being guys...skipping rocks or rockin' canoes. SENIOR guys, how are your phones working these days?? It was so pretty over the weekend that the water looked beyond fake in real life! I had a blast and my girls were amazing:) Hope you're all still doing great and stickin' with any goals or standards that were set!!! Thanks Aubrey!!
I am an observer. I am confidently indecisive. I am a compulsive list-maker. My car is organized chaos. My family is my encouragement. I love to people watch. It’s a good thing I found photography. When I am behind my camera I feel alive. I want to be a radiant light, yet I fail so often on this journey; my desire is that Christ’s love is seen in all I do. Some people believe that without history our lives amount to nothing but at some point we all have to choose, do we fall back on what we know...or do we step forward to something new. I didn't just survive through hardship and heartaches, I overcame through the power of my Father and I cannot fathom what is to come.
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